
Can I sign up to new social media accounts?

You can only add existing social media accounts to Nootti.

If I delete my account in Nootti does it delete the social media account?

If you delete the account in Nootti it only removes it from the app.


How to find my user handle?

Your Bluesky user handle is user.bsky.social (if you are in the current main instance) or if you have your own domain then it’s your domain name; e.g. user.com.

When you visit your profile the user handle can be found on the URL (e.g. bsky.app/profile/userhandle) or on the page starting with @, e.g. @user.bsky.app.

Insert your full handle (without @) into the handle field on the Bluesky account setting in Nootti.

What is my instance?

Your Bluesky instance is bsky.social if you’re on the main network (before federation).

How to find the App password?

Visit your Bluesky account settings (when logging in) and go to Settings > Advanced > App Passwords. Generate a new App Password and copy-paste it to Nootti’s password field.

You can revoke the password any time from the same place where you set it.


How to find my user handle and instance?

The local username is your handle. For example, @user@mastodon.social consists of the username: user and the website domain: mastodon.social.

Insert your local username into the handle field on the Mastodon account settings in Nootti, and the website domain name into the instance field.

How is the post privacy selected when posting a message?

The post will have the stricter one.

For example, if you have set “public” on your Mastodon account settings and “unlisted” for the post, the post will have the “unlisted” publishing level.

Why I see the app more than once in the Mastodon “Authorized apps” settings?

If you install the app on multiple devices they all have their separate authorisations.


How can I include media files in Nostr posts?

Add the media server you’re using on your Nostr account settings. Search nostr ecosystem for more details (nip-96), or start here.


What does the enabled option on Settings mean?

Only enabled accounts are considered for posting. You can disable an account if you don’t want to use it but still want to keep the account settings.

For each post, you can select the enabled accounts to post into so there’s no need to switch off the account “enabled” option for temporary purposes.

Is it ok to post to Mastodon, Bluesky and Nostr with Nootti?

Bluesky, Mastodon and Nostr are open-source projects. Anybody can participate and should since that’s the only way they can develop as credible alternatives.

Just remember when posting to third-party services that they have their policies and content guidelines.

How to send feedback, bug reports and feature ideas/improvements?

Send an email to feedback at nootti dot com. If you’re on TestFlight you can use its reporting system.


Good to know

Mastodon, Bluesky and Nostr are all new social networks that are under development, and things may change unexpectedly. Use your judgement when using them.

Nootti is an early-beta app. Use it at your own risk. It may have bugs and things may break while you use it.

Passwords in Nootti are stored locally in your device’s Keychain and they are used only to log in to your account for using the app.

Bluesky accounts: You should not use your main password for any third-party apps, Nootti included. Instead, create an App Password that is limited and can be revoked. You can find it on Bluesky at Settings/App Passwords.

Mastodon accounts: Nootti will not ask for your password. You will be asked to grant access that you can revoke at any time. You can find your Authorized apps under Account settings on Mastodon.


Authentication issues?


  • Is your connection online?

  • can you login to your account on another client


  • Check you have filled in all the settings fields and that they are in the correct format

  • Test that your App password works with another client (and copy-paste it to avoid spelling mistakes)

  • Delete the account on Nootti, quit the app, and try to add the account again


  • Check you have filled in all the settings fields and that they are in the correct format

  • Login to your Mastodon client and go to Settings/Account/Authorized Apps settings and check whether you see Nootti there. (There you can also revoke the access to Nootti at any time.)

  • Delete the account on Nootti, quit the app, and try to add it agai

Media trouble?

Check the limitations. For example, Bluesky has a file size limit of 1 MB for each image upload. Nostr

Have you added a media server (file hosting) for the uploads? Nostr relays accept only text.


You can send us email at feedback@nootti.com

Last updated